
  1. ToxicFrank

    Welcome New Staff Member

    Welcome to the staff @Combos. We look forward to working with you and congratulations again! Good luck! DMF Management.
  2. ToxicFrank

    Staffing Changes

    Welcome aboard @Kara @MeTeoRite @frantiC^ and @Bentleyonpc! Congratulations guys, good luck and keep up the good work.
  3. ToxicFrank

    Staffing Changes

    Congratulations to our 3 new staff members, please welcome @TheAsciiBunny, @Hreppy, and @V01d to DMFrenzy's staff. We will continue to look over applications in the channel in hope to grow our team even more. As always, remember to provide us with as much detail as possible and really set...
  4. ToxicFrank

    Staffing Changes!

    Good Morning/Evening/Afternoon! DMFrenzy has recently made some staffing changes, we have removed some inactive administrators and have decided to add a couple new ones. Let's all make sure we congratulate and welcome to our staff these new admins! @inzane @Sello @WTFrank @Cisko...
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