Public Commands: !ws, !knife, !gloves, !guns, !shop (VIPs gain access to all items, and items marked with [VIPs+]), !mm, !rps, !raffle, !flip, !spray, !gameme, !settings, !jackpot
Commands for VIPs: !dices, !rs, !stickers, !mk, !pins, !coins
***Custom Chat Tag / Scoreboard Tag Info Below***
___Chat Tags___
!ctag taghere
(Replace taghere with your own custom chat tag)
(This pulls up a menu for you to set your chat tag color)
(This will remove your custom chat tag & it's color)
___Scoreboard Tags___
(Replace taghere with your own custom scoreboard tag)
(This will remove your custom scoreboard tag)
This is just a quick list off of the top of my head - I'll update it tomorrow