Interesting... So by keeping it at 12 and allowing it to to fill up to 12, once the map changes it'll go down to 10 people.
So in theory, if I went with 10 slots, and it was full with 10, it would probably dip down to 7-8 people on a map change, leaving 1-2 spots open for play.. where as the 12 should always have 9 minimum.
Sorry, miscommunication, I say that after restart you usually get in only because if you can load faster than everyone you get one of the 9 playable spots. The server does remain 12 players after each restart but there are only 9 playable spots.
Frank, is there a way to do this that you know of?
The server has 12 slots. Can we have it show as 10 and keep 2 reserved for admins? The server count would increase only once an admin as in.
the best way to do this would probably be with Source mod Reserved slots: you would just give your admins reserved permissions to occupy a reserved spot (sm_reserve_type 0)